Monday, 12 December 2016

Book Review: Angel Dares

Joss Stirling brings to us readers, the hilarious story of 17-year-old Angel Campbell in the romantic novel Angel Dares (2015).

This fifth instalment to the Finding Sky (2010) series is most definitely the funniest of them all. It is unsurprising that even Joss Stirling admitted that the book was "such good fun to write" and that she thinks she "had the most fun on this one out of all the savant books so far."

Angel, who we met in the previous novel Misty Falls (2014) who is best friends with Misty, is the definition of a bouncing bundle of joy. She is filled with happiness, excitement and a spoonful of cheekiness.

She is an incredibly fun and engaging character for all girls. She has the typical weight concerns, is 100% a fangirl of bands and I found her relatable since she is short like me!

Angel has a talent for music and is incredible on the violin, however her true savant talent is being able to control water. When Angel and her band, Seventh Edition get the opportunity to perform live at a festival where her favourite band Gifted are performing, this experience is not only a once in a life time event for her band to try and make it big in the music industry, but Angel is now on a mission to help Benedict brother Will who is trying to find his soulfinder who is linked to the Gifted band.

The only problem is that Angel is known for being impulsive and for running into situations head first without looking. While she tries her best in everything that she does, sometimes Angel tries too hard or becomes impatient in waiting.

During Angel's journey of helping Will Benedict in finding his soulfinder, problems occur. Eli Davis, journalist and savant hunter, first introduced in Misty Falls, is back on the scene and is even more determined and irrational to expose the identity of savants to the entire world. This makes Angel's mission all the more dangerous as it is highly likely that her favourite band Gifted are full of savants who need to be warned of this threat against them.

Meanwhile, to confuse matters even more, Angel meets Marcus Cohen, singer and guitarist for the up-coming band Black Belt who are touring with Gifted, who is also ultimately her soulfinder. What is confusing about this matter, you ask? He doesn't realise he is a savant.

Angel starts to fall head-over-heels for him but risks getting her heart broken through rushing Marcus into this magical world which he isn't ready for. He has already had his heart broken in the past and isn't prepared to have it occur a second time especially when he's overwhelmed by the prospect of magic and soulfinders.

Danger is quickly mounting up against the savant community. Angel's world is going to be turned upside down and Marcus will not only have to accept the world for what it truly is, but will also have to team up with the savants against the threat. The question is, will they get there in time to save the day?

During the process of reading this book, I was laughing about half the time. If fictional characters existed, Angel would definitely be on my list of best friends. For anyone who needs a good laugh, a dose of romance and enjoys living in a fantasy world, put Angel Dares on your list!

Little is said about Angels description apart from her being short, having big eyes, a bob and dimples, which is why it is handy for readers to have read the rest of the Finding Sky series first, especially since the story does rely and progress off of the previous book, with previous characters being mentioned and included in the story.

What I liked about the story is how we are meeting such different characters and since the novel is in Angels perspective we also got the chance to meet her non-savant friends along with her savant parents, which was a lovely addition to the story.

Looking forward to reading the final story in this magical series, Summer Shadows (2016), while also feeling deeply saddened by the thought that this is the last book! Keep up to date with my following book reviews!

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